Swiss Army Knife
General utility tools for Scada Minds
SCM.SwissArmyKnife.Extensions Namespace Reference


class  DictionaryExtensions
 Extension methods for the BCL Dictionaries. More...
class  EnumerableProducingExtensions
 Various extensions to succinctly produce IEnumerables out of single items. More...
class  FluentTaskExtensions
 Bunch of extensions for Tasks to make LINQ-based syntax a bit prettier. E.g instead of (await foo()).Select(DoStuff) you can write await foo().Select(DoStuff). More...
class  HttpClientExtensions
 Extension methods to simplify common HttpClientExtension such as working with JSON. More...
class  HttpResponseMessageExtensions
 Methods for working with more efficiently with HttpResponses. More...
class  MemoryStreamExtensions
 Methods for working with more efficiently with MemoryStreams. More...
class  NullableExtensions
 Extensions for inline-transformations of nullable values C# treats structs and classes differently in regards to how the nullable boxing is done, so there's an overload for both types. More...
class  ObjectExtensions
 Extensions that can go on every object. Such as printing the object to JSON. More...
class  RandomExtensions
 Extensions to make working with the BCL Random class a little less painful. Includes methods to get a bunch of different types. More...
class  StreamExtensions
 Extensions for performing stream-related tasks. More...
class  StringExtensions
 Collection of string-related extension methods. More...